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LEGO® Story #1 – By Marco André How rituals of connection are bridges to simpler times. Through lockdown, friends told me the same story ‘I went back to painting. I started to garden again. I baked. I built a wooden deck. I wrote a poem. I knitted a sweater. ‘I returned to photography. I made a … Continue reading My LEGO® Story →
LEGO® Story #2 – By Diogo Lobo It all starts with a single brick. At 8 I had a big box of LEGO® bricks. I mean a big, BIG box. It was so big that I could easily fit inside the box. I had all kinds of pieces, bricks and LEGO® stuff in there. I … Continue reading Building Brilliance: My Yellow Brick Tower →
LEGO® Story #3 Quando eu era criança, acho que todo o mundo tinha problemas financeiros e era comum as crianças herdarem dos irmãos mais velhos, brinquedos inteiros ou não, para enfim, chegar nossa hora de soltarmos nossa imaginação e brincar como se fossem brinquedos novos. Na verdade, esses brinquedos para mim eram até mais preciosos, … Continue reading LEGO®: Meu Brinquedo Precioso, Revelado por →
LEGO® Story #4 – By James Myers When I was a kid, I was obsessed with LEGO®. It was the only gift I wanted for birthdays, for Christmas – for any celebratory occasion really. What I really loved was the precision, attention to detail and the reward of completing the build. This brought out creative … Continue reading Harmonizing Serenity and Concentration →
LEGO® Story #5 – By António Marques Today they are in the front line of my display case. The most amazing minifigures. But it wasn’t always like that. The setting: the always crowded LEGO® shop in Leicester Square. The hero: me, of course. I was positively groping all the minifigure bags in the shop, although … Continue reading Finding Minnie and Mickey: A LEGO® Shop Adventure →
LEGO® Story #6 – By Ana Beirão When I was a child, I would borrow all my LEGO® from my cousins. They were given to me in big shopping bags filled with bricks, or half-built with one or two parts to be rebuilt. I loved building and played with these bricks all the time building … Continue reading Demystifying LEGO® Instructions →
LEGO® Story #7 My LEGO® story is a relatively short one. It began a year ago when I met the love of my life. Having never really been interested in LEGO® except from a few of those big green bricks when I was a child, I remember walking into his tiny apartment and seeing the … Continue reading Discovering the Joy of LEGO® Through Someone Else’s Passion →
LEGO® Story #8 My LEGO® world has always been about the colors: How I organize my imagination through emotions in space. Building forms and creating stories about my world. Family and childhood has its base on vibration; composition and happiness. LEGO® is ultimately about being happy. Elisa Ochoa – Lisbon, Portugal
LEGO® Story #9 When I was 10, my dad went on a business trip to Las Vegas. Before he left his hotel for his return flight, he decided to play blackjack with $50 and got very lucky. When he returned home, he brought us to Walmart and told us we could pick out whatever we … Continue reading My Fondest LEGO® Memory →
LEGO Story #10 – Raquel Lemos I don’t remember building LEGO® while growing up. Never felt particularly drawn to it but – like with Scouting – I always thought I’d love for my kids to try. You always want them to be the best version of themselves that they want, right? When we went to … Continue reading Unlocking the Magic of LEGO® →
LEGO Story #11 – By Benny B. Bet you didn’t know LEGO® was available for purchase on flights a long time ago. My family took a plane ride on one particular vacation. However, back in 1988 there was no in-flight entertainment. So how did my mother calm her increasingly annoying bored child? She bought me … Continue reading Experience Sky-High Thrills: Unveiling Benny B’s LEGO® Plane Adventure →
LEGO® Story #12 Eu e o meu pai sempre fomos os melhores amigos e os melhores companheiros de brincadeiras. Das memórias mais felizes que tenho foi num Natal em que os meus pais fizeram um esforço enorme para me dar uma coleção de LEGO® que eu adorava – uma casa de família repleta de flores. … Continue reading Os LEGO® que eu montava com o meu pai →
LEGO® Story #13 Em 2017, para os meus 40 anos, a minha esposa quis oferecer-me algo épico. E algo épico para mim, só podia ser LEGO®. E em 2017 era um ano importante – os meus 40 anos de idade e os 40 anos do começo da saga do Star Wars! Entao, nada melhor do … Continue reading A carta que recebi da LEGO® →
LEGO® Story #14 – By Alexandre Fernandes When I was 10 years old, I remember playing with my few LEGO® sets until exhaustion. Every Christmas, I eagerly waited for the catalogues from the big retail stores, showcasing all the toys you can imagine. My favorite toys were always RC cars and of course… LEGO®! One … Continue reading The Quest to Find IT →
LEGO Story #15 – Guy Gabizon For those of you that don’t know what is a LEGO® MOC, it stands for My Own Creation. Normally you can buy LEGO® sets in a box with instructions. A MOC is something that a fan like me designs and then publishes the instructions for other LEGO® Fans to … Continue reading My favorite LEGO® MOC →
LEGO® Story #16 I spent my childhood as many other kids – building with LEGO® a lot. I think it was my favorite toy. Since I had a few health problems early on, I was not that active as other kids at my age. So my favourite past-time was LEGO®. I got older and maybe in … Continue reading How I Became an Adult Fan of LEGO® (AFOL) →
LEGO® Story #17 Back when I was a kid, I loved to play with LEGO® together with my friends. I especially loved to build with my friend Jos, since he had a lot of LEGO®. We thought we were really building some cool builds, like GBC’s (great ball contraptions) with many moving or rotating parts. … Continue reading How One LEGO® Commercial Can Change Your Life: The Story of a Master Builder →
LEGO® Story #18 It’s Friday night and you are waiting for the outcome of NFL’s roster cut. So what do you do? Well, you turn to LEGO®… and a chat with your girlfriend. That is exactly what Rodrigo Blankenship did to take his mind off his fate in roster cuts. Rodrigo ended up building not … Continue reading How Even NFL Players Turn to LEGO®: The story of Rodrigo Blankenship →
LEGO® Story #19 I am passionate about the intersection of Technology, Marketing, and Culture. I was particularly drawn to LEGO® from a Marketing perspective. I admired how LEGO® was able to build a legacy as one of the most beloved brands in the world, in fact, LEGO® Group is worth $7.57 billion, making it the … Continue reading LEGO®: The Building Blocks of Life →
LEGO® Story #20 LEGO® has always been a part of my life. As young as 3 years old I was playing with it. My father traveled a lot when I was young and, back in those days, the only toy available at airports was LEGO®. I used to wait for him to come home, not … Continue reading Designing a Dream Display: A Custom LEGO® Wall →
LEGO® Story # 21 Chinese version: 經過多個月既努力,儲左幾十年既舊SET終於都可以以城市形態再一次重現眼前。 數數手指對上一次砌個LEGO® town出黎已經係26年前中學時代了。砌呢個城最大嘅挑戰係點樣利用有限嘅空間而有效地display到最多嘅set出嚟,而出到嚟又唔會有迫夾嘅感覺。雖然實際動工砌前已經用digital方法 plan 咗layout但係砌到出嚟睇又係另一回事,所以其實layout更動都改咗三次。而且display出嚟更加要顧及觀賞/影相角度要有層次感盡量要收埋建築物嘅背面同唔好重疊建築物。(避免前高樓遮住後矮樓)基於土地問題關係我經過嚴選後已經放棄左好多set show唔到出黎只能display到1/3既vintage set左右,所以重複的建築物如消防局LEGO®總出過四間咁只能活一間了!有部分車仔我想放但係唔夠路面。希望不久既將來可以再砌大D令到個城更加豐富啦。 其實我作為一個玩LEGO®數十載嘅fans可以喺香港呢個彈丸之地砌到呢個能夠媲美外國規模嘅城市,真的滿足了!謝謝觀賞尺寸:366cm X 228cm 32×32底板數: 15×8塊盒裝使用數量:150盒以上最舊既set: 376 House with Garden (1978)最新既set: 10219 Maersk train(2011)最細既set: 6606 Road Repair Set (1983)最大既set: 6399-Airport Shuttle (1990) English version: A Nostalgic Journey: Building a Classic LEGO® Town After a few months of hard work, I finally finished building … Continue reading 我的複古樂高小鎮 →
LEGO® Story # 22 One of my friends I’ve known for 6 years, Ted Wahler Jr, checked in on me yesterday to make sure I wasn’t too stressed at work. I mentioned how I’ve been building LEGO® here to help reduce stress. I’ve been collecting and building LEGO® for just over a year, and I … Continue reading LEGO® Legacy: An Interview with Ted, Son of a Inventor →
LEGO® Story #23 I have been passionate about LEGO® since the first set I received as a child about 40 years ago. My childhood was dominated by the building toy, it’s all I wanted for Christmas and birthdays. My passion for building with LEGO® continued on as a young adult. I had my first child … Continue reading Winter Wonderland: Building a LEGO® Christmas Village →
LEGO® Story #24 Tengo que confesar que nunca había jugado (o montado) un LEGO® en mi vida hasta este año. Tuvo que llegar una pandemia para forzarme a mí misma a enfrentarme a cientos de mini piezas con optimismo. Siempre me pareció un juego para “freaks”, por favor no enfadarse con una servidora, desconocía totalmente … Continue reading Generación LEGO® Pandemial →
LEGO® Story #25 My name is Benjamin Rummens and this is my LEGO® story. As a child, I played hours and hours with the lovely bricks alongside my brothers. I stopped playing as an adult , but when I bought the Queen Ann’s Revenge LEGO® set for the 5th birthday of my son Noah… it … Continue reading LEGO® Minifigure Magic: Father-Son Adventures Unleashed! →
LEGO Story #26 In this audio story, Greg McDonald – the creator of the LEGO® podcast ‘For the Love of Brick’ – shares how he rediscovered LEGO® again after his dark ages. Greg talks about why he plays with a “children’s toy” and explains why he wanted to start a LEGO® podcast. Last but not … Continue reading Unveiling the Passion: Inside the ‘For the Love of Brick’ Podcast Creation →
LEGO® Story #27 When I was 21 and in my dark ages, the Eaton’s department store in downtown Vancouver had a deluxe LEGO® display with custom shelves and a huge selection of sets. I was instantly drawn to the space sets, and spent several visits to the store trying to decide whether to buy one … Continue reading Harnessing the magnetic power of M-Tron →
As a child, the author experimented with building a LEGO hoist capable of lifting heavy objects, using basic physics and creativity. Years later, as an adult, they revisited this project, documenting their experiments in videos focused on LEGO pulleys and gears, aimed at lifting the maximum weight. Despite initial simplicity, their YouTube videos on the topic unexpectedly gained traction, leading them to establish the Brick Experiment Channel. Now, three years later, the channel boasts 1.4 million subscribers, showcasing the enduring appeal of innovative LEGO engineering.
In 2016, Melissa discovered a LEGO minifigure head, sparking an unexpected journey into the LEGO universe. By 2017, she was deeply immersed, attending numerous conventions with her partner, a LEGO artist, and exploring various AFOL activities. This newfound passion led her to build her first MOC and integrate LEGO into her lifestyle, fostering connections and creating memorable experiences.
During the June 2020 lockdown, a couple bought a LEGO set to celebrate expecting a child, sparking a nostalgic journey. This led to building a LEGO city in their attic, including a custom model of their home. Their new daughter’s birth prompted a comparison photo, with the model becoming a city focal point.
LEGO® Story #31 Women’s Brick Initiative (WBI) – ‘Clutch Holds More Than Bricks Together’ The LEGO® fan community is diverse – or is it? According to LEGO®, only about 14% of all adult fans of LEGO® (AFOLs) are women. If you go to a LEGO® User Group (LUG) , odds are it’s mostly men. If … Continue reading Empowering Brick Innovations: Unveiling the Women’s Brick Initiative – Insights by Megan and Alice from Seattle →
LEGO® Story #32 LEGO® has been a part of my life since I was a child in the 1970s, and I feel the brand has grown over the years with me. I had an abundance of LEGO® kits, mainly LEGO® system and Space. One thing I remember was that I used to build ‘play sets’ … Continue reading Exploring Creativity: Unveiling My LEGO® Odyssey →
LEGO® Story # 33 A rising star in the LEGO®-sphere is about to Super Nova! Her name is Mati Stack. Her LEGO® journey began at the age of seven when her “papi”(Spanish for father) gifted her first LEGO® set. She hails from the Bronx, in New York City and is of Puerto Rican descent, just … Continue reading From the Bronx to the Brick →
LEGO Story #34 –
I am writing on behalf of my daughter Jess, a total aficionado of LEGO’s. She moved back home recently, and things went to the next level. It became our thing.
Unfortunately, shortly after we had a good thing going, Hurricane Helene washed it all away.
Disclaimer: This is an individual publication, not sponsored, endorsed or connected with the LEGO Group, but respects the LEGO® products and its Intellectual Property. LEGO® is a protected brand and a trademark of the LEGO Group which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse 100 LEGO stories.