My Fondest LEGO® Memory

LEGO® Story #9

When I was 10, my dad went on a business trip to Las Vegas. 

Before he left his hotel for his return flight, he decided to play blackjack with $50 and got very lucky. When he returned home, he brought us to Walmart and told us we could pick out whatever we wanted! 

I went to the LEGO® aisle and got the #6520 – Mobile Outpost and #6579 – Ice Surfer. THE ICE SURFER – the coolest set!

As a 10 year old, it was the greatest night of my life. My family was very frugal, and they never spoiled us kids, so it’s the only time something like that ever happened. Receiving a LEGO® set outside of a birthday or Christmas was unheard of. Which made that night all the more special. 

It is by far my fondest memory. I still have those two sets in pieces and I am now trying to put them back together.

Blaine K – Florida, USA

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